TMK Consulting, LLC

Do you have a special needs child? Are you confused by the identification process? Are you frustrated with the school system? TMK Consulting LLC is here to help you advocate for what is in your child's best interest. We will review your child's IEP with you. We will attend meetings to make sure your child is getting what is in his or her best interest. We also do independent educational assessments and tutoring in many areas!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Another Piece of Advice Great Advice from Milford SEPTA

There is another tool parents should require and use: A Daily Communication Book
- This goes home each day.  

In it, the teacher writes brief comments about the day and lessons covered.  
- A great teacher will document on her/his own, if and when the child received their IEP related services.  

Parents should insist that their child's daily journal/log show:

-  If the child received, or did not receive, their required related services for that day.

-  Length of the provided service.

- “Type of service” provided (ie: Individual, Group, Teacher Consult).  

A simple Yes/No” check-box would suffice as a clue for parents to follow-up.  

Historically, schools deny these IEP services to children by AT LEAST HALF when parents are not watching.
- Schools reap huge savings with such deceptions against children who cannot communicate and thereby tell parents what really happens in school each day.

Good Advice From the Milford SEPTA network

Here is some timely advice I got today that I thought I’d share with you:

During the first week or two of school, the Related Services people (Speech, OT, PT, etc.) set up their schedules.  - They need to be able to meet all the students' IEP's, so it can be difficult for them to fit everyone in appropriately. They usually also have to work around classroom schedules, specials, lunch time, and recess.

If you have not done so already, I suggest writing a note/email to either the classroom teacher or each related service provider, asking which day AND what time they will be seeing your child

This will let them know that you are on top of things, and expect your child to receive the agreed upon service.
- It will also allow you to plan if and when you want to go in & observe the work your child does with the people providing services.

Sometimes, schools won't have hired the related service person by the start of the school year.
They do not tell the parents unless they are specifically asked

By asking (in writing), you are forcing the school to be honest with you.
- Once you know that they have not hired a service provider, you can have them contract with qualified person outside of the school district until they do.